●cuántas páginas hipOtéticas para nO escribir Las auténticas...
●and theRe is nO pLace wheRe I rather be...
●time passes By, directiOn unknOwn...
●sóLo es un esfuerzO reLativO...
●aLL I knOw is everything is nOt as it's shOwn...
●naDar a cOntracOrriente de un pasadO amoRdazadO...
●Lo que admirO sOn Las fLores que cRecen en La basuRa...
●then I see u sTanding theRe, wantiNg mOre frOm me...
●una Linea, una raya en un papeL...
●Let's be mOre than tHis...
●it might be wrOng but baby, it just feeLs right...

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